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Hospitality Staffing Solutions

  • Hospitality Staffing Solutions
  • 9,178 sq. ft.
Cresa Team Cresa Office

client objectives and results

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Client Objectives

Not happy with their current HQ location, HSS needed to find a new space. Their current HQ was isolated from near-by restaurants, the building did not offer any amenities, and the space was outdated. HSS needed to secure a refreshed HQ space that would support their return to office mentality, but also one that support hiring new talent with their growth strategy.


Cresa was able to meet with the client to fully understand operational needs and was able to assist HSS in completing a thorough market analysis so HSS could consider all potential options. The team also assisted in site selection to confirm the new HQ location would be in an area that mitigated disruption to current HSS employees as well as had the business located in an area conductive to hiring new talent.
Andy and Bubba were great to work with and enabled HSS to secure a new, fully furnished HQ at more efficient terms than our previous location.
Kevin Murphy  |  VP of Finance
Hospitality Staffing Solutions (HSS)