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Your Next Office Space: How to Prioritize Amenities to Support Recruiting and Retention

Building amenities can reinforce your company’s culture and help with employee recruitment and retention. But how do you decide which amenities should be priorities in your next space?

When your company is looking for new office space, there is often a long list of considerations that can grow more complex by the day. Not only are there the primary factors of cost, space, building, locational factors and talent considerations -- each building will also offer a different combination of amenities.

When considering the talent criteria, it’s important to consider which amenities are going to best fit your company’s culture, support recruiting and retention efforts, enhance employee engagement, provide a boost for office productivity, and make your employees happiest. So the key question is: how can you integrate the right level of amenities throughout your real estate solution to support these goals and objectives?

As your company establishes both qualitative and quantifiable criteria for your next office space, it is important to understand the possibilities, and what similar companies are doing in your industry. So what are the current trends for amenities in the commercial real estate (CRE) market? Let’s take a look…

Prioritize Amenities Whitepaper Infographic