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2023 CREW Convention

Each year the CREW convention brings together 1300+ women nationwide, from all faucets of the commercial real estate industry for deal making, business networking, industry education and leadership development.

At this year's event Managing Principal, Leslie Teskey was honored with a CREW Visionary Award. While Megan Martin, was able to attend the conference alongside her daughter, a student, who was a CREW Network Foundation Scholar. Here's a look at what a few Cresa team members had to say about the event. 

Cresa at CREW

What were your key takeaways from this year’s CREW convention?


Leslie Teskey, Managing Principal:

My key lessons from this year were to avoid taking things personally in your career, seek a mentor or become one, master the art of advocating for yourself, and embrace your true self with boldness and confidence.

Hayley Mueller, Advisor: 

My largest takeaway was the power of community and the strength that is gained when like-minded individuals are working toward a common goal. I knew the organization was massive but seeing/hearing from such a large number of CREW members in person was eye-opening and left me feeling empowered, inspired, and grateful.

Megan Martin, Senior Advisor: 

“You don't inspire others by showing them how amazing you are. You inspire others by showing them how great they are,” these words of wisdom were shared by Robyn Benincasa at the CREW Network Convention.

I am truly thankful for Leslie Teskey, Susan Hargrove and my IndyCrew friends. They completely embody Robyn’s message with their encouragement. 

My daughter, Madeline Elson was a CREW Network Foundation Scholar. It was a moment I will never forget - attending the Convention with my daughter and watching her take her place on stage among such amazing women. This group of women shared beautiful words of wisdom, & the ups and downs of their professional journey with her. I know those stories had an impact on both of us!


2023 CREW

Photo By: CREW Network 

Jenny Liles, Director, Market Operations : 

A few of my key takeaways were that accepting help is a gift for both people involved and that our purpose is not about us, but about what happens to others as a result of our actions. 


In what ways does being a CREW member benefit your career in commercial real estate?



My involvement in CREW has been a catalyst for success in my career.  I joined my local chapter as soon as I joined the industry and it helped me build my network, learn the industry and develop leadership skills that have proven invaluable.


2023 CREW 3

Photo By: CREW Network 



Taylor Cherry, Client Coordinator : 

The energy behind the culture was amazing to see. Women came together to inspire one another and give personal and business advice. Attending the convention was a great opportunity to meet people from all over the country and to learn just how many niches there are within the commercial real estate industry. 


CREW has given me many opportunities to build and practice my leadership skills which I am able to apply directly to my career. Being involved in CREW has given me opportunities to practice being a leader myself as well as learn from female leaders in my industry.


2023 CREW

Photo By: CREW Network 





Can you share any advice for women just getting started in the commercial real estate industry?



The most valuable asset to a team isn’t what we know, but what we are willing to learn! 


Join CREW! Or reach out and talk to a CREW member in your desired specialty. It’s a fast-paced, challenging career and a heck of a lot of fun. Finding your community makes it just a little more sweet.


Find a mentor (many CREW chapters have formal mentoring programs) or find one within Cresa or other industry groups.  You have to advocate for yourself because no one else will.