Revenir en arrière

1320 Air Wing Rd

  • 1320 Air Wing Rd
  • 55,000 sq. ft.
Services Fournis
Équipe Cresa Cresa Office

Client Objectives

Continuity of manufacturing operations and energy savings during property sale.


Cresa was formally engaged in the renewal process 12 months prior to lease expiration. With a tight market and a potential lengthy phased relocation process, Cresa helped the client build a relocation proforma. Though capital markets relationships, Cresa was able to learn an imminent building sale was to occur.

Under the circumstances, Cresa advised the client a quick deal could accomplish significantly lower than market economics and incentives. Cresa executed the strategy by securing six months of free rent, and an offset to a planned solar array project. Cresa led the RFP process to procure a solar provider, secured a 10-year PPA, which investment yielded a payback period of less than two years.