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Giving Back with Habitat for Humanity

On July 13, members of Cresa’s Denver office participated in a volunteer build day benefiting Habitat for Humanity, a nonprofit organization that helps families build and improve places to call home.

Denver's population is growing faster than the supply of housing and the gap continues to grow every year. A recent study suggests that Denver's housing shortage will peak at 32,000 apartments and homes in 2018. As a result, both rent and housing prices have risen dramatically making access to affordable housing a larger problem than ever before.

Habitat for Humanity builds and sells homes to hard-working people in need of decent and affordable housing. On our build day, Cresa was tasked with installing siding and trim, caulking and painting the exterior of the home. The house under construction was one of 63 in the Sheridan Square development, which will be the largest development in Habitat for Humanity of Metro Denver’s history. Once completed, the development will provide permanent affordable housing solutions for 355 people.

For the Denver office, this was the first Habitat Build Day, but it won't be the last. We look forward to making it an annual event.

To learn more about the Sheridan Square development or to find out how your office can participate, click here.