Secured Viable Space for Life Sciences and R&D Operations

  • Vor Bio
  • 75,000 sq. ft.
  • 100 Cambridge Park Drive, Cambridge, MA
Services Provided
Cresa Team Cresa Office

client objectives and results

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Client Objectives

  • Engaged Cresa to identify viable options to support growth for its office and R&D operations.
  • Wanted to stay within five miles of Kendall Square, be in a campus environment with great amenities, and be transit-oriented.
  • Preferred a landlord with a deep understanding of life science leases and construction projects who could accommodate future growth beyond initial footprint.


  • Leveraged Vor’s credit and being the “first in” in a repurposed office park in Alewife causing a flood of other life science companies to relocate.
  • Maintained close proximity to Kendall with easy commuting access while creating maximum savings on rent.
  • Secured additional space within 100 Cambridgepark Drive to build out its own in-house clinical manufacturing.