Geoffrey Wowk
Vice President, Marketing
With over 20 years of marketing and design experience, Geoffrey oversees and executes marketing strategies for Cresa's Dallas office. He primarily serves to achieve goals related to business development, recruitment, PR, community and internal culture. He also collaborates with corporate marketing and operations teams to support the National Industrial Practice Group, and Cresa's national presenting sponsorship of EY's Entrepreneur Of The Year® program.
Acting as a player/coach, Geoffrey regularly interacts with offices across Cresa to develop, craft, and implement deliverables that support the objectives of local service lines and internal business operations. In this respect, he collaborates organizationally with marketers, client coordinators, support staff, advisors, and principals to tactically execute targeted marketing strategies.
Additionally, Geoffrey is a co-host of Cresa's "Marketing Lab," a bi-monthly, internal, open dialogue series devoted to supporting professional marketers across Cresa by discussing real-time challenges and issues. Lastly, Geoffrey is also involved with supporting Cresa's Diversity, Inclusion and Belonging (DIBs) initiatives, working with committees to craft content for delivery through its the quarterly newsletter.

We believe in being the change. We work together to find new ways of doing things that create value for our clients — and for each other. Because there is not much that feels better than collaborating to make a positive difference each day. At Cresa, we offer an opportunity to be part of something bigger. To learn, advance, mentor and be recognized. Your voice will be heard, and you will be valued for both your individual and team contributions.